Motoko is psychic as well as being a logical and strategic thinker. She has strong interest in self-improvement, science and technology.
Motoko started her career as a biostatistician in clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry. She worked in the industry in Tokyo and in Sydney for a total of nearly 20 years.
Her journey to be a healer started in 2003 when she has decided to move to Australia when she started developing a serious and debilitating eczema condition. She tried many different therapies and approaches starting from western medicine, Chinese traditional medicine, and detoxing. Initially as a client and later as a healer, she slowly started to learn that emotional reactions and belief patterns are the cause of her skin problems. Through healing sessions, her symptoms with eczema as well as her various allergies and hay fever disappeared. She has been a healing practitioner since 2010 and healing instructor since 2012.
She now lives with joy and happiness with her Australian husband.
She loves helping clients create their better reality and living their life purpose.
Motoko’s Qualifications
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (The University of Tokyo)
- Master of Biostatistics (The University of Sydney)
- ThetaHealing® Certificate of Science (Master Practitioner and Instructor)
- Crystal Remote Viewing (similar to past life regression) – Practitioner and Instructor
- Sacred Activations®, Master Practitioner, Mastering the Master Practitioner
- The Reconnection®/ Reconnective Healing® Practitioner
- Matrix Energetics® – attended multiple seminars
- Trinity Method Practitioner
- Reiki Master (level 7)
- Healing Touch Kinesiology, Level 1
- The Journey, Intensive, Advanced Skills, Manifest Abundance (attended the seminars)
IICT No 2611134516